Global Trademark Corp was conceived by legal professionals and technologists who identified the demand for a trademark filing service catering to independent consumers and small businesses. Recognizing that many entrepreneurs may not require or have the financial means for a full-service intellectual property attorney, our founders aimed to establish an efficient, affordable, and user-friendly process, enabling anyone to secure a trademark for their business.
While Global Trademark Corp is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice, we empower you to independently obtain your own trademark. Our customer service team comprises dedicated trademark representatives who share a common objective — addressing customer needs in a friendly, caring, and efficient manner.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each client, partner, and member of our team who has been an integral part of our success. Your trust and collaboration have been the driving force behind our growth and achievements.
Over the past 3 years, we've witnessed remarkable transformations in the business landscape. From navigating dynamic market trends to adapting to technological advancements, our commitment to helping your business thrive has remained unwavering.
Together, we've achieved numerous milestones – from supporting startups in their infancy to guiding established enterprises through periods of expansion. Each success story and challenge conquered has shaped our identity and fueled our passion for what we do.
Our dedicated team has been the backbone of Global Trademark Corp. Their expertise, commitment, and innovative spirit have played a crucial role in delivering top-notch services and building lasting relationships with our clients.
The success of our clients is our true measure of achievement. We take pride in being part of your stories of growth, resilience, and triumph. Your accomplishments motivate us to continually refine and enhance our services
As we celebrate a decade of accomplishments, we eagerly look forward to the future. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and unparalleled service remains steadfast. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and the prospect of supporting your business for many more years to come.
5901 W. Century Blvd Suite 750, Los Angeles, CA, 90045
+1 213-463-5525
© Global Trademark Corp. All Rights Reserved.